Photos of Foundation happenings

See Foundation staff and friends as we carry out our mission – and have some fun while doing it.

Above: A fun and festive lunch on Dec. 10 brought together staffs of the Western North Carolina Conference, Foundation, and Wesley Community Development.

Above: Staff members sign Christmas cards for partners and friends.

Above: The staff presented Amanda Goedert with a cake to celebrate her birthday and three-year work-iversary. Beyond her role as Staff Accountant, Amanda enlivens the office with music, laughter and a gift for storytelling.

Above: Staff members celebrated President David Snipes’ 60th birthday with a little help from David’s family, including granddaughter Emma Grace, pictured here.

Above: Lay and clergy leaders met at the Foundation in November for a session called “Black Church Growth & Vitality.” The team, led by Rev. Charlie Rivens, explored ways to grow the Church following the pandemic and disaffiliation.

Above: Annalee Allen, Director of Reynolds Ministries and Programs, attended The Foundation for Evangelism’s 75th anniversary celebration in Charlotte. From left: Stephanie Hand, Annalee Allen, Jane Boatwright Wood and Amy Coles

Above: Donna Johnson (center), Controller, led the staff in assembling 100 snack bags for people served by Crisis Assistance Ministry. Staff service projects were among the goals to emerge from our strategic visioning work last year.

Above: Members of the Financial Services Team took a group photo following a recent Board of Directors meeting. From left: Donna Johnson, Andrea Gutierrez, Brad Crossley and Amanda Goedert

Above: Foundation board and staff members on stage during the Annual Meeting of the Membership in Stuart Auditorium.

Above: Rev. Charlie Rivens and friends visited the Foundation tent for this year’s Unity + Purpose T-shirts.

Above: The annual meeting of the SEJ Association of United Methodist Foundations brought together peers from across the Southeast for a time of renewal and recalibration. The group enjoyed a dinner at Davidson United Methodist Church.

Above: The Foundation hosted our counterparts from the United Methodist Foundation of North Carolina for a day of fellowship and idea-sharing.

Above: The United Methodist Men from St. Mark’s UMC in Charlotte met at the Foundation on a recent Saturday morning.

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